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  • Writer's pictureTom Clausen

Week 3 - We are well under way

Thursday (ES3). We had 6 boats come out. Pretty strong winds, 15 to 20, mostly about 17 with gusts to about 23. All boats had a reef. A bit chilly and out of the north so significant waves too. 6.8 mile course. 1st place Scallywag (she seems to like the wind). 2nd place Animae, moving fast and catching up; 1:45 behind Scallywag at the finish (but started 15 minutes back from Scallywag). 3rd was Viajante, followed by Osprey, Hand Jibe and Uno Mas.

Sunday (SS3). We only had 2 boats show up. That was Father's day, but we had talked about it early on and it's been on the schedule. Forecast was SE at 11. Yacht club claimed about 7. It was more like SE at 15 to 17. Great temperatures and a really nice day. 4.4 mile course. 1st place Scallywag followed by Uno Mas. Uno Mas started 10 minutes behind Scallywag, but finished 4 minutes behind; made up 6 minutes over 4.4 miles. Nice.

Cruiser race standings are on the website. It's supposed to be nice all week, let's enjoy it.


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